Fyrite Insight |
Five in one
steady state combustion analyser, B-SMART
sensors. |
check combustion efficiency and measure flue gas
parameters. |
Measures O2, CO and CO2 (by calculations). |


PCA 3 |
Definitive combustion and emission analyser. |
Exclusive B-SMART sensor Technology Factory Calibrated
Sensors. |
Measures O2, CO, CO high, NO, NO2, SO2 and combustion
efficiency. |
in different combination of any four sensors. |
No need of
instrument to be sent for calibration to service
centre. |


Gas Leak Detectors |
Portable Hand Held Gas Leak Detectors for Pipeline
Leaks. |
Suitable for all combustible gases like LPG, CNG,
Propane. |
models based on mode and sensitivity, Leakator Junior,
Leakator 10 and Informant 2. |
